Excel Hort Consult Agribusiness Incubator [EHCAI]



Governance & Management Structures

Excel Hort Consult Ltd has a functional supreme Board of Trustees, composed of seven members from diverse professional backgrounds and with significant experience in development work, public service and private business, which oversees the company’s management and provides advice.

Furthermore, the company has a Board of Directors which provides overall guidance and leadership to the company and spearheads for fundraising, networking and identifying opportunities for collaboration with other stakeholders, sets the policies and supervises the secretariat. All Directors furthermore act as key resource persons in specific area of specialty and are called upon to provide technical support and advice according to their expertise and professional background.

Human Resources
Headed by the Main Office, EHCAI is working decentralized from 6 regional offices which are based in Mbarara, Arua, Kasese, Kabale, Kampala and Mbale.

All activities are managed and coordinated by the Chief Executive Officer who is a member of the Board of Directors and is assisted by a competent and well qualified multi-disciplinary team of a Operations Manager, a Agribusiness Manager, Regional Managers, Capacity Development Manager, who also takes charge of Career Development, and a Finance and Administration Manager. There are also other specialists and support staff, including:

• Value Chain Specialist
• Agribusiness Officer
• Marketing Officer
• Communication and Public Relations Officer

Furthermore, a pool of highly qualified and associate consultants, who are registered with the company, is available when specialist expertise is required.


We are Open for Business

Have a look at our schedule to book a session or tour.

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