Excel Hort Consult Agribusiness Incubator [EHCAI]



Business Incubation Management

  • How to start a business
  • How to manage the business
  • How to sustain the business

Agri-finance Enterprise Development

Access to financial products and services is critical for startups, SME, youth and women incubate as well as emerging entrepreneurs.

Agri-input and output Market Development

The market is a driver of all economies globally. EHCAI embarked on supporting Agri-input and output market development as one way of boosting the sustainability of start-ups, SMEs, and enterprises.

Agri-food Enterprise Development

Agro-industrialization through value addition and processing is critical for economic transformation and sustainable business development.

Agri-tourism Enterprise Development

The range of services includes home tourism, special training, mentorship support, profiling, linkages, networking session, tour guiding, campsite night, special business events, farm to farm exchange learning visits

Skills & Talent Development

EHCAI offers opportunities for skills and talent development of youth, women, start-ups, SMEs, special groups and enterprises using the business incubation model.

Agri-business and Natural Resource Management

This product focuses on how start-ups, SMEs and existing companies as well as societies should govern and develop their water and environment resources for employment and wealth creation and improving people’s livelihood.

ICT Innovation & Technology Commercialization

At the agribusiness incubation and Innovation Hub, we are always at the forefront of changing trends in ICT Innovation & Technology Commercialization

EHCAI Products

Pricing Table

Our Pricing Plan

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We're Open for Business

Have a look at our schedule to book a session or a farm tour.

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